How to Stay Normal Not Only in the Time of COVID-19?
So, the first thing we are facing these days is ourselves. Will the world be the same or will we all change something globally to make life on the planet, if not much better, then at least a little more bearable than it has been.
I am thinking primarily about the recovery of our planet Earth and something that is seriously affecting all of us, our survival and the survival of future generations. We already know that industry, pollution, and the endless exploitation of our planet’s resources, as well as wars and other “games” are the greatest antagonists and oppressors of life. But now, when we have a very tiny, invisible, but extremely dangerous common nemesis, it would be wonderful, once we contain that enemy through our joint efforts, if we could embark on an even more difficult struggle to contain ourselves. I sincerely hope that this situation will help mankind realize that it has gone too far in its own greed, lust for power, and arrogance. It is not too difficult for me to stay sane in the time of the coronavirus because I always have a good ally.
Engaging in music, reading a good book, plus helping kids with their homework, as well as doing other chores around the house are always a good way to preserve your peace of mind. I have been brought up to stay calm in emergency situations so that I enjoy the little things in my life and do not let stress knock on my door.
As an artist and musician, I practice every day by starting with scales, thirds, octaves, right-hand warm-up exercises, and tone and sound projection exercises. After have warmed up and when my muscles are supple and flexible, I move on to a certain music score. I act as if the concerts I was supposed to perform have not been canceled and I practice those scores every day. The coronavirus will pass and if I do not work hard and remain fit, the end of the crisis could find me unprepared, which I certainly do not want. Continuity in work is as important to us as it is to athletes. Even after only two weeks, our form starts to decline rapidly and that could lead to injury later on, and that is an expensive price for a musician to pay. I play music for a living and I live for music, so working in situations like this is very important to me because it maintains my psychophysical equilibrium. Two or three hours of practice a day is enough to feel healthy and positive.
By preserving one’s own little world, individuals protect themselves from the bad influences or negative feelings of others. So I too safeguard myself with music by practicing daily, preparing materials for my dear students, reading a nice book, or just frolicking around at home.