The Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra’s new concert season 2017/18, titled The Five Elements, was completely sold out in only four weeks. More than 20,000 tickets for the orchestra’s concerts scheduled between 29 September 2017 and 15 June 2018 at Kolarac were sold out almost five months before the start of the season. The Five Elements comprises 25 concerts, grouped into five thematic series: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and The Fifth Element.
“First of all, I wish to thank our wonderful audience. I am saying this from the heart, not only for myself, but on behalf of all BPO staff. Our subscribers are our fifth element, and the Belgrade Philharmonic would not have become what it is today without them. Without a doubt, for almost an entire century, the orchestra’s concert seasons have been regarded as special events, relished by both musicians and audiences. And we give all of them not only our respect, but also tribute and a place in our hearts and memories. Nevertheless, having no fear that the Association of Musicologists or a similar organization might give their members a Voodoo doll that looks like me and detailed instructions for sticking a needle in it when taking a break from worrying about the future of the Serbian culture, as well as in the moments of general concern, I daresay that our current generation of musicians and audience is better than any generation from the past. I apologize to all the predecessors, and I am inviting the successors to prove me wrong, but before I get burned at the stake, I apologize to all the people who could not get hold of tickets despite queuing for hours and I promise that we will keep trying to find a way to give more performances in the upcoming season, which inaugurates Gabriel Feltz as our Chief Conductor. To begin with, we are preparing a big surprise, not only for our current audiences but also for the future ones, which will be announced in the following days”, said Ivan Tasovac, Director of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra.
The sale of season tickets for our regular subscribers started on 10 April with a special event in which the new Chief Conductor Gabriel Feltz and Ivan Tasovac personally handed the tickets over to our most loyal concertgoers. The beginning of ticket sale for the BPO’s thematic series is traditionally the most stressful day at the orchestra’s box office, and this year was no exception. As soon as the tickets became available (8 May), the keenest concertgoers formed a queue already at 6am. A few hours later, all tickets were gone.