After its surprise performance in Knez Mihailova Street with its new slogan: “Music Everywhere” (Muzika svuda), the Belgrade Philharmonic has finally revealed all the places where people can listen to its concert program in the new season. Outgrowing the concert hall and its limited audience, the BF has created one of its most exciting seasons by taking its music to where the public will find it easily accessible – everywhere!
In its “Music Everywhere” undertaking, the first partners to join the Belgrade Philharmonic are Delhaize Serbia, The Serbian Postal Service, Telekom Serbia – mts, Erste Bank, Cargo Technologies – by playing recordings that the Belgrade Philharmonic has previously performed in its concert hall and other venues.
“With this new idea and the hashtag #muzikasvuda, the Belgrade Philharmonic is breaking every convention by introducing alternative locations for listening to classical music, not only in Belgrade but all over Serbia. In the coming period, our orchestra promises to be rigorous but disobedient. The former refers to following all the prescribed pandemic measures, and the latter to breaking all previous traditions when listening to classical music,” General Manager Ivan Tasovac said.
#MuzikaSvuda is a hashtag that is meant to spread positive energy and bring new dynamics into our routine, making every day as special as going to a concert. That will first be with the music of Mozart, which the orchestra performed and recorded recently during its three concerts at the Philharmonic Hall.