15. OCT 2021.
Grand Hall of the Kolarac Foundation

S. Prokofiev
Lieutenant Kijé
S. Prokofiev
Piano Concerto No. 1
D. Shostakovich
Piano Concerto No. 1
P. I. Tchaikovsky
Overture 1812
Known for his penchant for performing grandiose programs, Alexei Volodin, the hero of the first philharmonic marathon of all of Beethoven’s piano concertos in a single evening, returns to our stage, this time with the first concert performances for this instrument by Sergei Prokofiev and Dmitri Shostakovich. In the second part of the concert evening, he will be joined by our solo trumpet player, Jovan Savić, as the second soloist at this concert. The concert program is rounded off by the masterful five-movement suite Lieutenant Kijé. Ending the concert evening with a big bang is the 1812 Overture by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

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